Filippo Tommaso Marinetti wrote a manifesto in 1909. The manifestobecame a guide for the Italian Futurismmovement. Many of Marinetti’s...

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti wrote a manifesto in 1909. The manifestobecame a guide for the Italian Futurismmovement. Many of Marinetti’s...
Most luxury hotels are for people.However, the Roomer Hotel in Lyon,France is for cats. Audrey Maroccostarted the hotel. She quit her ...
Dennis is a dachshund. A dachshund isa small dog. Dennis was not very small.His owner fed him junk food, such ashamburgers and pizza. ...
Willi Dorner is a performance artist fromVienna, Austria. In 2007, he began anew performance piece. It is calledBodies in Urban Spaces...
Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalovare daredevil climbers. They callthemselves OnTheRoofs. They like toclimb in dangerous places. Th...
Eataly is a group of Italian food stores.They are all around the world in placeslike Japan, Italy, and the U.S. The Eatalycompany ha...
The Education Bureau of China recentlystarted a debate. They put this on awebsite: “Although… Chinese andEnglish are the two official ...
Every day, 90% of people in the worlddrink caffeine. People think caffeine isgood for them. A team of researchersfrom Johns Hopkins Un...
Sweden’s Ice Hotel opened 25 yearsago. The hotel invites people to enjoythe cold in Lapland. Ice Hotel is a workof art. Artists and e...
Eddie the sea otter lives at the OregonZoo. Someone found him nearCalifornia in 1998. He was young andalone. Now, he is an old ot...
A construction crew recently found askeleton. They were working in Davie,Florida. The crew was digging. Theywere going to put in water p...
In July 1808, there was a shipwreck inthe Fiji islands. This was the first timeChinese people came to Fiji. After sometime, the two d...