miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Remembering information cansometimes be difficult. What is the bestway to remember things? Scientists at asleep laboratory may have the answer.They believe that napping can help withmemory. Napping is sleeping for a shorttime. Scientists say that taking a long,relaxing nap after learning somethingnew can help people rememberinformation. There may be many newexperiments about napping andmemory soon.

How did scientists do this experiment?They began the experiment using agroup of babies. The babies were six totwelve months old. First, the scientistsshowed the babies a toy. The babieslearned to use it. Then, some of thebabies took a nap for more than 30minutes. The other babies slept for lessthan 30 minutes. The babies with thelonger naps could use the toy after theirnaps, but the babies with the shorternap could not remember.

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