Most people look more beautiful in agroup. This information is from a studyby Drew Walker and Edward Vul of theUniversity of California, San Diego.Walker and Vul did experiments to testthe way people see beauty. They foundan interesting pattern called theCheerleader Effect. The name is theCheerleader Effect because peopleusually think a group of cheerleaders isvery beautiful, but each cheerleadermight not be very beautiful.
The Cheerleader Effect happensbecause of an illusion in the brain. Thehuman mind is good at makingconclusions from a lot of information.The brain averages information aboutmany faces together. Then, the mindmakes a conclusion about one person’sbeauty based on the average. Becauseof this, selfies might not be the bestonline profile pictures. Also, it is a goodidea to always bring friends for a nightout on the town.
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