Flowers, chocolate, greeting cards andhearts. Valentine’s Day is tied to thesethings. Valentine’s Day is a popularholiday. It is celebrated on February 14.People show love and affection onValentine’s Day. This love can beromantic or friendly. Friends, couplesand people hoping to date exchangegifts. The tradition of Valentine’s Daybegan centuries ago. Many peopleconsider February to be the month oflove. Historians believe the Romansprovided the first influence.
They celebrated Lupercalia on February 15. Lupercalia was a fertility celebration.But most of our customs come fromEngland. The English exchanged giftsand tokens of affection in the 18thcentury. The British influenced ourlanguage, too. Geoffrey Chaucer was afamous poet. He created the idiom “lovebirds” in his famous poem. The poem isnamed “Love Birds.” People in Englandbelieved that birds’ mating seasonbegan in February.
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