The Komodo dragon is the largest livinglizard on Earth. People hunted most ofthe Komodo dragons to extinction.However, on Komodo Island inIndonesia, people had traditional taboosagainst killing these lizards. This islandis the last natural habitat for thedragons. Komodo Island is a WorldHeritage Site. Many conservationgroups are also working to protect theisland’s natural habitats. These groupsconsider Komodo Island a conservationpriority area.
Tourists are welcome on KomodoIsland; however, they must be verycareful. Komodo dragons arevenomous, and a bite can be fatal.Visitors to the island should hire a localguide for safety. It is possible to stay ina small guestroom on the island, butmost people prefer to sleep on theirboats or stay in a hotel on a nearbyisland. Watching incredible wildlife is notthe only activity on the island. There isalso wonderful snorkeling and SCUBAdiving.
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