miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Nicholas Jenkins is an associateprofessor of English at Stanford. Hemade a new website called KindredBritain. Jenkins was studying his familytree. He began to see some interestingrelationships. This gave him an idea. Hemade a database of famous Britishpeople. Jenkins said he started to “treatfamily as the master key to the past.” Heuses this “master key” to unlock manyinteresting histories. He studies Britishpeople from the past and the present.

On the Kindred Britain website, peoplefind many family connections. They canread well-known histories like therelationship between Former BritishPrime Minister Winston Churchill andKing Henry VIII. They can also readsurprising histories like the connectionbetween actor Kevin Bacon and 17th-century philosopher Francis Bacon.Users just point, click, and drag peopletogether. Then, they can see theirconnections on a family tree.

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