viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalovare daredevil climbers. They callthemselves OnTheRoofs. They like toclimb in dangerous places. Theyclimbed to the top of the Shanghai Tower. It is the second tallest building inthe world. Makhorov and Raskalovmade a video of their climb. They putthe video online. It shows the twowalking up stairs, climbing ladders, andclimbing the large crane on top of thetower.

Raskalov wrote about the event on hisblog. “It took us almost two hours to geton the 120th floor by foot,” he said. Heand his partner spent 18 hours on top ofthe building after climbing it. Thebuilding’s management was upset aboutthe climb. They want to prevent otherpeople from climbing the ShanghaiTower. However, Makhorov andRaskalov are ready for otheradventures. They plan to keep climbingtall buildings.

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