martes, 17 de enero de 2017

Sweden’s Ice Hotel opened 25 yearsago. The hotel invites people to enjoythe cold in Lapland. Ice Hotel is a workof art. Artists and engineers make thehotel from ice and snow. They plancarefully and build it each year in latefall. They make wonderful ice beds andbeautiful lights for the rooms. Guestscan stay in the ice rooms at night or justtour them during the day. The hotel alsohas warm rooms.

Next winter, Ice Hotel will invite gueststo make their own ice rooms. Guestswith enough money can buy a room andmake their own ice art. They will workwith the Ice Hotel artists. Arne Bergh isthe Creative Director of Ice Hotel. Hethinks this will be a very creative project.He said, "The beauty of ice is that it onlyexists briefly and then goes away.”

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