Eataly is a group of Italian food stores.They are all around the world in placeslike Japan, Italy, and the U.S. The Eatalycompany has a new idea. They plan tobuild a theme park. It will have deliciousrestaurants, big grocery stores, foodlaboratories, and a large aquarium. It willbe called Fico Eataly World, and it willbe in Bologna, Italy. The city of Bolognais working with the Eataly company.
Some people are calling Fico EatalyWorld the “Disneyland of food.” Peoplewill be able to eat, shop, and learn manythings in one location. Local people donot really need a big food theme park,but tourists will probably love it. Thesetourists will bring much-needed moneyto the Bologna area. Bologna is one ofthe most famous food regions in Italy.
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