A construction crew recently found askeleton. They were working in Davie,Florida. The crew was digging. Theywere going to put in water pipes.Scientists think the skeleton is morethan 2,000 years old. The skeleton willgive scientists important informationabout ancient people. It is only five feettall. Scientists also think it is a woman’sskeleton. The woman was between 20and 30 years old. This is the nicestskeleton found in Florida in over 40years.
Bob Car is the Executive Director of theArchaeological and HistoricalConservancy of Davie. He did the firststudy of the bones. He thinks theskeleton is from the Tequesta NativeAmerican tribe. He will keep studyingthe bones to learn more. After that,Seminole and Miccosukee Indians willbury the skeleton again. It will be aspecial Native American ceremony.
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