martes, 10 de enero de 2017

Eddie the sea otter lives at the OregonZoo. Someone found him nearCalifornia in 1998. He was young andalone. Now, he is an old otter, but hestill has a lot of energy. His veterinarianssaw arthritis in his elbows. They said heneeded more upper-body exercise.Jenny DeGroot is Eddie’s trainer. Shethought of a creative idea. She taughtEddie to play basketball. Otters are themost playful mammal.
Basketball helps Eddie exercise hiselbows. "He's definitely got game,"DeGroot said. She explained that otterscan move easily in water. They alsoknow how to open clams with rocks.This makes Eddie a very goodbasketball player. He is now an Internetstar. People watch his videos online.This helps the Oregon Zoo teachpeople about otters. Sea otters used tolive everywhere on the west coast ofthe Americas. Now, they are athreatened species.

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