miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016

Our solar system has eight planets now. Pluto was disqualified as a planet. There are patterns in our solar system that are very similar. Nearly every thing moves in the same general direction around the sun. The planets move on the same plane. Astronomers discovered a new object past Neptune. It doesn’t follow these rules. It orbits the sun. But it orbits in the opposite direction of the other planets. It’s also moving up and away from its plane.

The object is 125 miles in diameter. Scientists believe it isn’t alone. Scientists call it “Niku,” which means“rebellious” in Chinese. Comets commonly travel in the opposite direction. But Niku isn’t a comet. Somes cientists think it’s an un seen star or ahidden planet. It doesn’t behave like either one. Astronomers don’t understand its behavior. They knowthere must be a cause. There’s a lot about our solar system left to discover.

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