viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

Is one continent likely to happen? Earth's continents are always moving. A super continent is in our future. It incorporates all of Earth's major landmasses. This means you could walk from Australia to Alaska, or Patagonia to Scandinavia. It is going to take about 250 million years to happen. Earth's continents rest on a system of plates moving at different speeds. These area pproximately the speeds human fingernails and hair grow.

These days, plate motion is tracked withsatellite positioning instruments plantedinto the ground. How did we realize wewere standing on huge, slow-shiftingplates? The idea the continents moved around dates back centuries. The first time anyone produced any serious evidence in favor of the idea was 100 years ago. It was German geophysicist Alfred Wegener.

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